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The secret of UI/UX design –
Böde Kriszta

– this could be the key to the success of your online business!

UI/UX design plays an extremely important role in modern technology projects as people increasingly use their digital devices in their daily lives. UI/UX design involves processes that make applications and software, as well as websites and web stores, intuitive, simple and easy to use. If you apply UI/UX design to your projects, the interaction with your digital products will become easier, more understandable and enjoyable for users.

What is the UI/UX tervezés?

UI design deals with the design of the user interface, while UX design focuses on improving the user experience. My UI/UX projects focus on user needs, user interface design, interface compatibility and user experience. I design visual elements and features that help users navigate, find information and use the tool more easily. My aim is to ensure that users have a positive experience when using the tool/page/application, which requires that it is simple and logical.

If you use UI/UX design processes, your users will find it easier to find the information they need. This means they have to invest less time and effort, which increases their satisfaction and therefore their engagement.

When designing user interfaces, I take into account not only the needs of the users, but also market trends, technological possibilities and the client’s goals. Other important elements include the design of the product or service image, visual appearance, navigation, usability and user feedback.

The navigation

In UI/UX design, the design of the navigation system is critical because users decide within a very short time during their first encounter whether a website, webshop or application is worth their time and effort. Usability is one of the most important factors in the market. A product/service will only be successful if users are able to use it in a way that is really easy and functional. That’s why UI/UX design is extremely useful, because it helps to make interaction really simple. This enhances the customer experience and therefore engagement. You know that a satisfied, engaged customer becomes a returning customer.

For my clients, UI/UX design is important because it contributes to the development of their online products and services, as well as to the development of custom solutions. We create user interfaces that are easy to understand and navigate, by developing the details based on the needs and wishes of the users.

User interface design plays a crucial role in the product development process, and many market players now recognise that customer satisfaction and loyalty depends on improving the quality of their products/services. So UI/UX design is essential in the development of digital assets, as the most important thing is to ensure that customers and users are satisfied with the product or service, thus increasing the company’s revenue and reputation. Companies that use UI/UX designers for their projects launch better products/services than their competitors. In this way, they are constantly increasing both their market share and their revenues.

musicco mockup

Dare to be different!

Kriszta from NovArt Stúdió

Looking for a web designer experienced in UI/UX design?
Kriszta Böde

Creativity has always been part of my life. It's true, before I became a webdesigner took a roundabout way, I previously worked as a business manager for many years.

My strengths are my ability to think in a complete system, to identify problems quickly and deal with them effectively.

I believe that with due diligence and dedication we will find the best possible solution in every case!

Let's work together!